Apistogramma ramirezi
Apistogramma ramirezi of amazing aquarium fish, which combines colorful color, calm temperament, sma...
Trichogaster trichopterus
Marble gourami is a very beautiful color form of the blue gourami. It is a long time favorite aquari...
Corydoras aeneus
Golden catfish is peaceful bottom fish, suitable for keeping in a community tank. Very unpretentious...
Acanthophthalmus Kuhlii
Acanthophthalmus is an interesting fish, which attracts attention with its unusual appearance. It di...
Corydoras paleatus
The birthplace of corydoras mottled South America. Inhabits the lush waters of South-Eastern Brazil,...
Барбус черный
Black Barbus, or black puntius (Pethia nigrofasciatus) is not a very big fish, the males of which ar...
Aquarium fish girinoheylus Gyrinocheilus aymonieri, also known as the Chinese algae eater is not ver...
Барбус Шуберта
Barbus Schubert (lat. Barbus semifasciolatus `schuberti`) is a beautiful and active fish, which is t...
Данио рерио
Danio rerio (previously Brachydanio rerio, and now Danio rerio ) is a living, schooling fish that on...
Барбус суматранский
Aquarium fish Barbus Sumatran (lat. Puntius tetrazona, Barbus tetrazona and earlier), it is a bright...