
Apistogramma ramirezi

Apistogramma ramirezi of amazing aquarium fish, which combines colorful color, calm temperament, sma...

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Trichogaster trichopterus

Marble gourami is a very beautiful color form of the blue gourami. It is a long time favorite aquari...

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Corydoras aeneus

Golden catfish is peaceful bottom fish, suitable for keeping in a community tank. Very unpretentious...

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Acanthophthalmus Kuhlii

Acanthophthalmus is an interesting fish, which attracts attention with its unusual appearance. It di...

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Corydoras paleatus

The birthplace of corydoras mottled South America. Inhabits the lush waters of South-Eastern Brazil,...

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Барбус черный

Black Barbus, or black puntius (Pethia nigrofasciatus) is not a very big fish, the males of which ar...

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Aquarium fish girinoheylus Gyrinocheilus aymonieri, also known as the Chinese algae eater is not ver...

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Барбус Шуберта

Barbus Schubert (lat. Barbus semifasciolatus `schuberti`) is a beautiful and active fish, which is t...

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Данио рерио

Danio rerio (previously Brachydanio rerio, and now Danio rerio ) is a living, schooling fish that on...

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Барбус суматранский

Aquarium fish Barbus Sumatran (lat. Puntius tetrazona, Barbus tetrazona and earlier), it is a bright...

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