Неон черный
Black neon (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi) is a graceful, energetic aquarium fish. If you put a flo...
Scalars (lat. Angelfish scalare) fish are large, voracious, eager for fry and shrimp, but beautiful...
Тетра медная
Copper Tetra or casamania Nana (lat. Hasemania nana) is a small fish that lives in rivers with dark...
Ternary (lat. Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) is an unusual aquarium fish that is well suited for beginners...
Барбус вишневый
Cherry barb (lat. Barbus titteya) is a small and beautiful aquarium fish, one of the most popular am...
Барбус красный
Barbs Sumatran red is the genetically modified fish. In the classical form of Sumarokovo barb was in...