Данио рерио
Others Name | Danio rerio |
Danio rerio (previously Brachydanio rerio, and now Danio rerio ) is a living, schooling fish that only reaches 6 cm in length. It is easy to distinguish from other zebrafish on the blue stripes running along the body. This is one of the first aquarium fish, along with macropodum, and over the years it is still popular. Zebrafish is very beautiful, inexpensive and great for beginners and experienced aquarists.
These hardy and beautiful aquarium fish are great for beginners. They are simply bred and the fry are easy to feed. Since this is a schooling fish, they need to be at least 5 in the tank, more is better. They get along with any peaceful and smaller fish.
24 Fish tanks with Данио рерио
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Danio rerio ✔
Le Danio rerio est un poisson très répandu en aquariophilie. Sa maintenance est facile et pet être recommandé pour les débutants. Poisson de banc à maintenir ...

Данио, Danio rerio, нерест рыбок, Laichfische, 產卵魚, pesci d'acquario, poissons reproducteurs
Донецк Аква вконтакте: https://vk.com/donetsk_aqua Донецк Аква в твиттере: https://twitter.com/pisyaukovsv ---------------------------------------------------...

157 Prezentare pesti Danio Rerio
Specia este cunoscuta sub numele de peste zebra sau peste leopard, in functie de varianta. Surse externe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebrafish ...