Барбус черный
Others Name | Pethia nigrofasciata |
Black Barbus, or black puntius (Pethia nigrofasciatus) is not a very big fish, the males of which are very beautiful, especially during spawning. In terms of content, behavior and even the shape of the body, he resembles his cousin — barb sumatrensis.
4 Fish tanks with Барбус черный
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Species Profile # 14: The Black Ruby Barb (Pethia nigrofasciata)
Basic info and care on the black ruby barb.
Pethia nigrofasciata aka Black Ruby Barbs
My school of black ruby barbs in one of my planted aquariums. Lots of people give up on this fish too early to see it in all it's glory.
Нерест черных барбусов (Pethia nigrofasciata).
Нерест черных барбусов в аквариуме. Еще видны барбусы арулиусы (Dawkinsia arulius) и алые барбусы (Pethia ticto var. "odessa")....