Trichogaster trichopterus
Others Name | Гурами мраморный Пятнистый гурами |
Marble gourami is a very beautiful color form of the blue gourami. It is a long time favorite aquarium fish with a blue body and dark spots on it, for which he received the name of marble.
It is very similar to their relatives in all but color. It is the same size and habits as other types of gourami. Also marble is very unpretentious and perfectly suited for beginner aquarists, and yet he lives a long life and is easily propagated.
8 Fish tanks with Trichogaster trichopterus
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Gourami (trichogaster trichopterus) - Tropical Fish Profile
This is the first in the series of upcoming Fish Profiles. This film focuses on the Gourami. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I would like to point out that this film is supposedly...
Blue Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus) eating cucumber
HD video of a Blue Gourami / Three-spot Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus) eating a cucumber in my 325l planted tank.
Blaue Trichogaster trichopterus aus Java
Die blauen Fadenfische Trichogaster trichopterus sumatranus gibt es auch auf Java.