Барбус суматранский
Others Name | Barbus tetrazona Puntius tetrazona |
Aquarium fish Barbus Sumatran (lat. Puntius tetrazona, Barbus tetrazona and earlier), it is a bright and active fish that will liven up any biotope. This medium-sized fish with a yellowish-red body and black stripes, which in the English language, he even got the name tiger barb. When they get older, the color fades a bit, but still a pack of Sumatran barbs in the aquarium it is especially a sight to behold.
9 Fish tanks with Барбус суматранский
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Aquascaping Lab - Barbus Tetrazona Puntigrus Tiger barb description / barbo tigre info
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Барбус суматранский (Barbus tetrazona)
Купить можно здесь: https://www.aquatrade-nsk.ru/catalog/11819.html Едва ли не самая популярная аквариумная рыба. Благодаря яркой...