Болбитис геделоти
The content of Bolbitis Heudelotii capricious and demanding. But it survives well in warm temperate...
Micranthemum micranthemoides
Microteam few-flowered water plant; species of the genus Micranthemum family Linderniaceae. Motherla...
Crinum calamistratum
Homeland crinum wavy West Africa. The plant grows in tropical forest streams and rivers with rapid c...
Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba"
Helianthus Cuba is one of the smallest aquarium plants. Externally, this plant is a miniature helian...
Staurogyne repens
Stavrogin creeping (Staurogyne repens) — a little common, a rather new aquarium plant which in our c...
Heteranthera zosterifolia
Heteranthera platanoides (lat. Heteranthera zosterifolia) is a delicate aquatic plant with long stem...
Phoenix moss
Moss Phoenix or whatever he's called - fissidens fontanus, under natural conditions, grows in ponds...
Pogostemon erectus
Pogostemon erectus enjoyed recently very popular. This plant resembles a tree, which looks attractiv...
Дидиплис диандра
Didiplis deandra (Didiplis Diandra) or butelek dwuhfaznaya — aquarium plant native to North America,...
Погостемон стеллатус Октопус
Pogostemon stellatus oktopus (Pogostemon stellatus sp. "Octopus") is a beautiful aquarium plant, ver...