
Болбитис геделоти

The content of Bolbitis Heudelotii capricious and demanding. But it survives well in warm temperate...

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Micranthemum micranthemoides

Microteam few-flowered water plant; species of the genus Micranthemum family Linderniaceae. Motherla...

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Crinum calamistratum

Homeland crinum wavy West Africa. The plant grows in tropical forest streams and rivers with rapid c...

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Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba"

Helianthus Cuba is one of the smallest aquarium plants. Externally, this plant is a miniature helian...

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Staurogyne repens

Stavrogin creeping (Staurogyne repens) — a little common, a rather new aquarium plant which in our c...

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Heteranthera zosterifolia

Heteranthera platanoides (lat. Heteranthera zosterifolia) is a delicate aquatic plant with long stem...

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Phoenix moss

Moss Phoenix or whatever he's called - fissidens fontanus, under natural conditions, grows in ponds...

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Pogostemon erectus

Pogostemon erectus enjoyed recently very popular. This plant resembles a tree, which looks attractiv...

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Дидиплис диандра

Didiplis deandra (Didiplis Diandra) or butelek dwuhfaznaya — aquarium plant native to North America,...

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Погостемон стеллатус Октопус

Pogostemon stellatus oktopus (Pogostemon stellatus sp. "Octopus") is a beautiful aquarium plant, ver...

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