Кабомба каролинская
There is very widespread among fans of aquarium stem plant. It adapts well to different conditions,...
Криптокорина парва
Cryptocoryne Parva (Cryptocoryne parva) is the smallest of all cryptocorynes, one of the few species...
Людвигия супер ред
Ludwigia Palustris Red Super – incredibly beautiful representative of one of willowherb family. This...
Лобелия кардинальская
Cardinal Lobelia (Lobelia cardinalis) — better known as the garden than aquarium plant. This is a ve...
Эхинодорус амазонский
One of the most common among fans of aquarium plants, which is called simply "Amazon." It's very unp...
Гигрофила пиннатифида
Hygrophila pinnatifida is rather interesting plant, which has an attractive appearance due to the or...
Бакопа Монье
Comfortable water parameters for keeping bacopa Monnier temperatures of 22-26 °C (in cold water, pla...
Криптокорина вендта
Cryptocoryne Wendt (Cryptocoryne Wendtii) is a plant that has a high decorative properties. Under go...
Эхинодорус тропика
Echinodorus Tropic is a plant used for decoration of aquariums, refers to the family of Echinodorus,...