Staurogyne repens
Others Name | Стаурогин ползучий Стаурогин репенс |
Type | plant |
Usage | midground |
Difficulty | medium |
Growth | medium |
Temperature | 20 - 30 °C |
pH | 5 - 7 |
General hardness | 0 - 30 °dGH |
Carbonate hardness | 0 - 10 °dKH |
Stavrogin creeping (Staurogyne repens) — a little common, a rather new aquarium plant which in our country in recent years is gaining popularity. Used as a groundcover, a plant for the nano aquarium and beautiful aquarium design.
30 Fish tanks with Staurogyne repens
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Staurogyne repens
Staurogyne repens is a fresh green, compact and hardy plant for the foreground of the aquarium and it was found in River Rio Cristalino in the southern Amazonas. Its nearest relative in the...

Staurogyne Repens - Trimming
Staurogyne Repens - Trimming Plants: Staurogyne repens, Cryptocoryne beckettii 'Petchii', Pogestemon Erectus, Limnobium laevigatum If you like, please thumbs up and share :) Be sure to subscribe...

How to: Grow an S. Repens Carpet | Staurogyne Repens
How to: Grow an S. Repens Carpet | Staurogyne Repens We will discuss the basic information on S. Repens, the I will give 5 tips for growing a great S. Repens Carpet. Stick around till the...