Сом отоцинклюс
Scientific Name | Otocinclus macrospilus |
Others Name | Отоцинклюс макроспилус Otocinclus macrospilus |
20 Fish tanks with Сом отоцинклюс
Totally no beginner fish, although it is presented as that. We got 7 Fish at first. One starved because he had organ failure since we got him. One got a mysterious infection on the head and another one died by unknown cause, but i remember one of them also getting very thin, so i think it was him. One day after we got them i discovered that they are a lot harder to keep and I tried my best to keep everything fine. Still 3 already died in the first month and i don't give the others much chance. They should be kept in large numbers but i wont buy our remaining 4 some buddys its just not worth it.
Video review

Otocinclus macrospilus
Just a few random clips of a trio (2,1) O. macrospilus i bought as O. affinis in the belief they were O. vittatus. I want to keep O. vittatus and Corydoras hastatus in my greenhous pond this...

Otocinclus macrospilus (wild) bij Aquarium Speciaalzaak Utaka

Otocinclus macrospilus (Otto cats)
I have a tank which has been up and running for nearly 8 years now, a very established aquarium. All fish are very healthy and water quality is excellent. I was having trouble with Algae,...