Ротала круглолистная
Others Name | Rotala rotundifolia |
Type | plant |
Usage | background, midground |
Difficulty | very easy |
Growth | fast |
Temperature | 4 - 32 °C |
pH | 4 - 8 |
General hardness | 2 - 30 °dGH |
Carbonate hardness | 0 - 21 °dKH |
Translated from English.-Rotala rotundifolia, dwarf rotala is a plant that is often confused with Rotala indica. It is sold in the aquarium, but has uncertain status. It is a common weed in rice fields and wet places in India, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam, which were brought to the United States.
12 Fish tanks with Ротала круглолистная
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Rotala rotundifolia
The Latin name means "the plant with the round leaves''. But this only applies to the marsh variety, which has circular leaves. Rotala rotundifolia from South-East ...

Rotala Rotundifolia || Plantas acuarios plantados |HD|
Rotala Rotundifolia || Plantas acuarios plantados |HD| - En este vídeo os traigo la ficha de una planta acuática roja de Tropica, fácil de cuidar, la rotala ...

Rotala Rotundifolia Care
Rotala Rotundifolia is a wonderful aquarium plant that I definately recommend for almost any aquarist! Though it flourishes under high lighting, this rotala does ...