Марсилия крената

Scientific Name Marsilea crenata

Type plant
Usage ground cover
Difficulty difficult
Growth medium
General hardness
Carbonate hardness

Marsiliya crenata (Marsilea crenata) one representative species of ferns, widely distributed in water bodies located in Eastern Asia and Australia. It typically grows in shallow water in small ponds and rice fields. A plant out of the water very similar to clover.

Content Marsiliya create not a difficult plant and it can safely be planted in your aquarium, even novice aquarists. For the normal development of crenate not require intense lighting, and additional supply of carbon dioxide. Growing this plant is not only in soil but also on the driftwood and rocks.

Basically Marsilio crenata use in the foreground. With this plant you can successfully grow in your aquarium green lawn, and, if necessary, to emphasize a desired point.


3 Fish tanks with Марсилия крената


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