Corydoras panda
Others Name | Коридорас панда Panda Catfish |
Corydoras Panda — South American catfish, which got its name because of the similarity in color of the giant Panda. Corydoras panda — the perfect fish for beginners, not requiring special conditions, very hardy and peaceful. Main about the type of content Panda:
21 Fish tanks with Corydoras panda
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Corydoras panda ✔
Le Corydoras panda est un poisson tropical d'aquarium se déplacant principalement au sol. Découvrez comment s'en occuper, quel aquarium, comment le nourrir, sa reproduction... Tips → https://w...
Corydoras Panda
Corydoras Panda.
Corydoras Panda loves eating brine shrimps
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