Blyxa japonica

5.0 (1 review)
Others Name Бликса японская

Type plant
Usage midground, ground cover
Difficulty medium
Growth medium
Temperature 16 - 32 °C
pH 5 - 6
General hardness 0 - 30 °dGH
Carbonate hardness 0 - 7 °dKH

Blix Japanese (Blyxa japonica) – a popular plant among hobbyists of Saperov.

Blix Japanese is a very attractive aquarium plant, which every year is gaining more and more hearts. Its main advantage is ease of maintenance and aesthetic appearance.

Blix Japanese (Blyxa japonica) or dwarf Blix, a kind of aquatic plant, resembling the meadow grass with numerous linear leaves with length not more than 6-7 cm and width up to 3 mm, is able to completely cover the surface of the soil.



5 years ago

Очень красивое пышное растение )

Pro: Простата выращивание
Contra: Быстро разрастается
