Улитка неретина "Рогатая"
научное название (лат.) | Horned Nerite Snail |
другие названия | Horned Nerite Snail |
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My FAVORITE Snail- Horned Nerite
Horned nerite/thorn nerites are beautiful, petite, peaceful and above all- EXCEPTIONAL algae eaters! Clithon corona/diadema Adult size .5" Diet algae Temp 60-84 pH 6-8 Instagram @msjinkzd...

Unboxing: Neon Yellow Shrimp & Horned Nerite Snails
Freaking FINALLY!! I feel like I've waited an eternity to welcome these guys into their new fantastical home! =) I purchased the animals/items listed in my video from alphaprobreeders.com:...

Nerite and Horned Nerite Snails eating algae - time-lapse
Nerite and Horned Nerite Snails eating algae off anubias plants. time-lapse. Recorded May 1, 2015. 60 gallon, low tech planted tank. After I removed all my pest ramshorn and bladder snails...